


Chapter I Event Organiser's and Participant's obligations


1. General Provisions

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions ("GTCs") comprise general terms of participation in Max Korzh’s show (9.08.2025) at PGE Narodowym in Warsaw, organised by Stodoła Sp. z o.o. and Live Nation Sp. z o.o. ("Organiser") and constitute a part of the agreement between the Organizer and the event participant. 


2. Scope of Organiser's obligations, cancellation and rescheduling of event

2.1. The Organiser is obliged to ensure that the participant has a valid ticket allowing entry and participation in the event specified on the ticket. The Organizer is also obliged to provide organizational backup for the event and to ensure that the event is undisturbed.

2.2. The Organiser is authorized to cancel the event without previous notice for reasons that are out of the Organizer's responsibility. In such case the ticket holder shall have the rights provided by the relevant provisions of law.

2.3. The Organiser has the right to reschedule the date, place and change the program of event for important reasons, i.e. national mourning, unfavourable weather conditions that make it impossible to run the event, illness, indisposition or another objective reason concerning the artist that is out of the responsibility of the Organiser and that makes it impossible for the artist to perform and cases where rescheduling is necessary to ensure security, health or life of people or property or necessary to ensure undisturbed and comfortable participation in the show. In the event of rescheduled show, a ticket holder is entitled to return their ticket within 14 days of the date they got the information.

2.4. Where a ticket holder has the right to return the ticket in return of the amount specified on the ticket, the ticket holder should request the return of monies in the place of ticket purchase, with no undue delay after receiving information on the event cancellation. In each case the refund will be made if the request for ticket refund is made within six months from the initial date of event. 


3. Security of event

3.1. The Organiser reserves the following rights:

(a) To refuse a ticket holder entry to the event for security reasons.

(b) To request, for security reasons, that the ticket holder leaves the event and to take adequate steps to make sure that the request is obeyed. This applies in particular where the participant disturbs public order, behaves aggressively or infringes the GTCs. Dangerous behavior such as, but not limited to, mosh pit, crowd surfing, pogo dancing, wall of death is prohibited.

(c) To refuse entry to the event to those ticket holders that are armed or wear metal-ended shoes or bring any other dangerous objects.

(d) For security reasons, to change participant's sitting/standing place to another one. The ticket holder shall be reimbursed the ticket cost difference. The ticket holder shall also have the right to give up participation in the event in return of either the whole or part of the ticket amount. 

3.2. It is forbidden to bring and use cameras, camcorders, tablets, laptops, selfie sticks or any other audio-video recording devices to the event. The Organiser offers a deposit location for such devices at the cost of PLN 50. 

3.3. It is forbidden to bring backpacks, purses, bags (despite of their size), laser indicators, any kinds of alcoholic beverages and intoxicants to the event, as well as bottles of any size and made of any material. 

3.4 Prohibited Items

a). Weapons, including but not limited to: firearms, knives, combat weapons (e.g. air and gas operated, swords, nunchakus, kamas, sai), explosives, heavy chains (excluding wallet chains and purse straps less than three (3) cm in diameter and sixty (60) cm in length), brass knuckles (excluding carabiners), clubs/bats/sticks, pepper spray, aerosol sprays, nitrous oxide, ammunition and training simunition rounds, explosives and explosive components, fireworks, CBR (chemical-biological-radiological) substances, projectiles of any kind and any replica of same items that could be mistakenly identified as weapons under this policy, or any weapon as defined in local law.

b). Illegal drugs and substances, including unmarked liquid or pill medication bottles. Legally prescribed medications may be permitted if in a prescription bottle/container with a pharmacy-generated label containing the individual’s name – subject to verification via valid identification. Any other medications are considered on a case-by-case basis on site.

(c) Food or drink (unless required due to a pre-existing condition which is supported with medical evidence in accordance with 3.4.b provision)

(d) Laser pens or pointers

(e) Fireworks, fire-starters, and open flames

(f) Audio recording equipment, noise-making devices

(g) Skateboards and rollerblades, hover-boards, scooters, bicycles, and other personal motorized and non-motorized vehicles

(h) Non-service animals/animals not used by those with a disability.

(i) Unauthorized solicitation or marketing materials (e.g., handbills, flyers, stickers)

(j) Any item deemed to be dangerous by the General Manager (the designated responsible person for the overall general event operations and implementing this policy) or law enforcement officer

(k) All unapproved unmanned aerial systems (UAS) or drones unless expressly authorized in accordance with LNE’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Policy.

3.5 The Participant has the option to leave prohibited items in the deposit. The basis for the acceptance and storage of these items is a storage agreement.(a) The fee for storage is PLN 50 gross and is not refundable. The fee is due at the time the items are deposited.
(b) Collection of deposited items is possible after the event upon presentation of a deposit number.
(c) If the items are not collected after the end of the event, they will be stored at the Organiser's headquarters for 14 days. After this period, all unclaimed items become the property of the Organiser, who may destroy, dispose of, or perform any other action at his own discretion, and all claims arising out of or in connection with these unclaimed items shall expire.
(d) The Organiser has the right to refuse to accept items for deposit.


4. Miscellaneous

4.1. Participant may be exposed to strong sound that can cause hearing damage. Organiser advises hearing protection such us stoppers or noise cancelling headphones.

4.2. Official programs and gadgets can only be purchased at the event. 

4.3 Every show participant, disregard of age, needs to have a valid ticket. 

4.4 Children under 6 years of age may NOT participate in the Max Korzh’s show (9.08.2025, PGE Narodowy, Warsaw) and will not be allowed to enter the Event even under the supervision of an adult. A participant purchasing tickets for seats declares that all persons for whom they are purchasing tickets (including the person purchasing the tickets) are over 6 years of age, and that at least one person from the group that includes a person between 6 and 13 years of age is of legal age.

A participant purchasing tickets for standing areas on the premises of the facility ("Fan Zone" and "Dance Floor") declares that all persons for whom they are purchasing tickets (including the person purchasing the tickets) are over 13 years of age, and that at least one person from the group that includes a person between 13 and 18 years of age is of legal age.

The Organizer is not responsible for Participants under 18 years of age who come to the concert without an adult guardian, and also has the right to refuse entry to the concert to a person who does not meet the above requirements without having to refund a ticket purchased in violation of the regulations.

4.5 The purchased ticket is to be regarded as Organiser's individual consent to enter the concert which may be withdrawn at any time for security reasons. This authorizes only to entire or partial reimbursement of amount printed on the ticket, depending whether the consent has been withdrawn before or during the concert. In the event of a violation of the regulations and removal from the Event premises, the Participant will not be entitled to a refund of the ticket value.

4.6 The ticket cannot be used for any advertising or promotion (including contests and lotteries) or for any other trading purposes. 

4.7 Resale or attempt to resell the ticket for a higher amount than the amount printed on the ticket or use for unauthorized promotion annuls the ticket. The Organiser provides for a refund of the amount printed on the ticket, less the amount of the service charge, to the holder of the annulated ticket. The service charge paid upon buying the ticket will not be subject to the return. The refund of the value of the ticket, less the amount of the service charge,  is possible on the written request delivered to the Organiser together with the annulated ticket and the evidence of purchase. However, the Organiser reserves the right to prevent organised attempts of illegal activity described in the first sentence of this section. As a result, the purchase of a big number of tickets for the purpose of financial profit associated with resale or attempt to resale at a price higher than printed on the ticket or use in unauthorised promotions could result in annulation of the ticket without refund of the ticket price as well as the criminal liability described in the Article. 133 of the Polish Code of Petty Offenses. 

4.8 The ticket is only valid with a control coupon and authorises for a single entry to event.

4.9 The purchase of tickets is subject to quantitative restrictions and varies for each Event. The number of Tickets that can be purchased is given on each authorised ticketing platform event page and is subject to verification on the occasion of each transaction. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, without prior notice, Tickets purchased in a number higher than admissible, when one of the following limits is exceeded:

·        Delivery address limit

·        One credit/debit card limit

·        One user limit

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel all User’s orders, which exceed one of the above mentioned limits. The Organizer allows the possibility of refunding the cancelled ticket price reduced by the service charge. Please note any additional costs incurred by the purchaser won’t be refunded. Obtaining a refund of the ticket value, reduced by the service charge, is possible after presenting the Organiser with a written application explaining the circumstances of the case along with the cancelled ticket/s and a purchase confirmation.

4.10 The possibility of participating in the event may be subject to special conditions, depending on the legal provisions that will be in force on the date of its organisation. Each participant should keep up-to-date with updates on the rules of participation in events with the audience.It should also be borne in mind that the organiser and / or artiste may introduce specific rules for participation in the event, which participants will be informed about before the event date. Failure to comply with the specified conditions of participation in the event may result in refusal to admit the participant to the event area.

5.0. All the other matters not regulated herein shall be subject to the provisions of the Act of 20 March 2009 on mass event safety (Polish Journal of Laws Dz. U.2009 nr 62 poz. 54).


Chapter II Special security measures in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic


1.Protection measures

1.1 During the course of the epidemic caused by Covid-19, the Participant is obliged to equip him/herself with personal protective equipment. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event area  to a Participant who is not equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment.


2. Data sharing

2.1 During the epidemic caused by Covid-19, in situations requiring it, the Participant agrees to have his/her personal data disclosed by the Organizer to the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

2.2 During the epidemic caused by Covid-19, before entering the Event area, the Participant commits to submit a written statement that, to the best of his/her knowledge, he/she is not a person infected with the SARS CoV-2 and is not in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision.


3. Event security

3.1 The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event to a Participant who shows any symptoms that may indicate infection with Covid-19.3.2. The Event Participant acknowledges that participation in the Event may be associated with the risk of developing Covid-19 disease and releases the Organizer of any liability in this respect.
3.3 The Participant of the Event, during the epidemic caused by the Covid-19, commits to comply with the key safety principles and related obligations imposed by the Polish government, including to cover his/her mouth and nose until taking a seat and while moving around the venue, and to keep a distance of 2 meters from other Event Participants, excluding families and persons sharing the same relationship.
3.4 In the event of non-compliance with these rules, the Organizer reserves the right to ask such a Participant to leave the Event area without the possibility of return.
3.5 During the epidemic caused by Covid-19, the Organizer may suspend the operation of a deposit, which means that the Event Participant will not be able to deposit prohibited items at the Event. The full list of prohibited items is described in sections 3.2 and 3.3 of Chapter I above.


4. Additional provisions

4.1 The Event Participant is obliged to submit to all requirements arising from the prevailing safety rules and recommendations established by the Polish government and all types of state institutions, while maintaining all sanitary regimes imposed on the Event Participant by the generally applicable law.
4.2 The possibility of participating in the event may be subject to special conditions, depending on the legal provisions that will be in force on the date of its organisation. Each participant should keep up-to-date with updates on the rules of participation in events with the audience.
It should also be borne in mind that the organiser and / or artiste may introduce specific rules for participation in the event, which participants will be informed about before the event date. Failure to comply with the specified conditions of participation in the event may result in refusal to admit the participant to the event area.
Such conditions may include, but are not limited to:
- the requirement to provide evidence of full vaccination against COVID-19;
- the requirement to provide evidence of being a convalescent COVID-19 survivor;
- presenting a negative test result for the presence of the SARS-COV-2 virus.












Live Nation sp. z o.o., ul. Wyględowska 10/23, 02-654 Warszawa, Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS: 0000216013, NIP: 521-33-00-869, Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 50 000,00 zł