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    She released her sophomore LP on Incienso in September 2022, has released with labels such as AD 93, PAN, Dial, UNO, among others, and operates her label She Rocks!  She has collaborated with artists such as Hoodie, Beta Librae, Drew McDowall, crimeboys, Yves Tumor (‘Licking an Orchid’), LEYA, Parris, among others.


    In 2023, she has performed throughout the US, UK and Europe at festivals and venues such as Sustain Release, Dripping Festival, Nowadays, Public Records, Berghain/Saule, Volksbuhne, and Subbacultcha. In recent years, she has played at Meakusma Festival, Tresor 31 Festival, and NY Art Book Fair, as well as support for pioneer Morton Subotnick’s final run of live shows, and has shared the stage with James Ferraro, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, and Yves Tumor.

    In January 2024, she will release her long-form composition, ‘Elektra’. She is currently finishing her third full length album. She toured Australia and Asia in Spring 2024.



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